Modern Day Miracle

Okay, so I felt like this was the best way to tell EVERYONE about a miracle that happened to me just the other day.

You see, a few nights ago the flash drive that I keep my books on stopped working while I was typing on my latest novel, The Assassins of Breelan. It just wouldn’t connect to my computer anymore. I tried like sixteen times (this is not normal, in case you were wondering). Because of this, I was forced to save the book on my computer (which I usually don’t do until a manuscript is finished). Later that night, it started working again randomly, so I resaved it on there.

Well, the next night Livia was trying to upload her homework onto Blackboard (that’s the program that Taylor uses). Blackboard doesn’t work on her computer, though, so I gave her my flash drive so that she could save her homework on there and then upload it from my computer.

A little while later I plugged my flash drive into my computer and found the weirdest thing…somehow, in the process of putting her homework on my flash drive, Livia deleted The Assassins of Breelan. Completely. It was gone. I have no idea how this happened. It has never happened before. It was there before she put her homework on, and afterwards it was gone.

And, you know what? God knew that that was going to happen, because by some miracle He forced me to save the entire 196 page manuscript onto my computer the night before. All that I lost was like one page that I’d written the day it got deleted.

And they say there are no such things a miracles?


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