
To Bleed for the Impossible

Stress and college are two words which seem to go together really well, unfortunately. I’ve been learning the truth of that in my life as of late, but I’ve also been learning that I’m not alone in this battle I wake up to every morning. There is One who goes with me, and that is what […]

The Deepest Magic

I think one of the most powerful passages in C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe occurs after the great lion, Aslan, is killed by the White Witch in place of the traitorous fourth Pevensie child, Edmund. In the midst of their mourning for him, Lucy and Susan hear the stone table breaking […]

Nothing Will Have the Power

This poem is about the whole journey of my life throughout the past months, from the hospital to Ireland to Taylor University. I’ve based it on one of my favorite Bible verses, Romans 8:38-39. Broken glass. Shattered dreams. Dying candles flicker in the cold dark. White sheets. Metal rails. Constant noise that drowns out hope. […]

Music’s Epitaph

I wrote this poem about my recent brain surgery, and the struggle that I had trusting God through it. I’ve had a very difficult time coming up with a satisfactory title…I’m still not sure that I’m satisfied with this one. Tell me if you have any better ideas! What would you do if the moon […]

Blood Money

White linen wraps a broken body, A traitor bought the Son of Man. He who used to reign in glory, Now leaks the blood which stains their hands. The one who took the silver coins, And those who ran away, Accusations lead to empty words, Three nails choke out the light of day. He taught, […]

The Irish Never Forget

Scene: Third grade creative writing class. My teacher asks us to write out a list of our favorite places. As an eight-year-old I wait for a moment with my pencil poised, thinking. I look around me and notice that all of the other students have already set to work scribbling down such things as “my […]

Eden is Restored

So…here we go again with the whole poetry thing…   In long-dead ground a flower grows, In frozen mud and old, old snows. Empty houses…lived in, Wind through bones…like breath. Bloodless hearts to beat again, Could love undo death? A forsaken cross, An empty tomb, A curtain torn in two, The greatest price to mend […]

What Better Place for a Lamb?

By: Kenzi Nevins (but all the work was really Jesus’!) The Light of the World in the cold of a shed, The Promise of Ages in a world nearly dead. In the eyes of a baby is the Star in our night, In His weak newborn cry, the Voice that made light. His tiny fingers, […]


Christmas. It’s kinda hard to explain, if you ask me. People have all kinds of different ideas about it. Is it a shopping frenzy, a magical day for children, or truly the birth of our Savior? Sometimes in our world today, I’m not even sure that I know. It’s like…a big strand of colored lights […]


So, here it is. My last blog post from Ireland. Well, I guess you could say that. I’m actually in the airplane, but I’ll probably have this done before I get to Chicago. You see, Somehow my seat is like all the way on the other side of the plane from the entire rest of […]

My New Stories